Birkenstocks are known for causing arch blisters. They can be the most comfortable sandals ever. But if you are constantly getting arch blisters, are they any good? This article will help with your arch blister woes.
When I first started wearing Birks, I was constantly getting arch blisters. It got me frustrated. I tried many things and was finally able to solve the issue. Let me tell you what causes those blisters and what can be done to prevent them.
➤ Why Do Birkenstocks Cause Arch Blister?
Birkenstocks can cause arch blisters even after they are well broken in. Birkenstocks are quite stiff initially. The sandals are designed to mold to your feet. But this process takes time.
If you wear the sandals on long walks before breaking them in, you will get hotspots. Soon, these hotspots turn into blisters. Many people keep wearing sandals only to make the blisters worse.
Sometimes grits and dirt can get stuck in the sandals. This can also be a reason for those arch blisters.
Birkenstocks should provide a snug fit, but not too much. The straps on the sandals are adjustable. If you tighten or loosen the strap too much, you will get arch blisters. Blisters are more common in the summer when people wear their sandals without socks.
If interested, you can check our article, Birkenstocks for Plantar Fasciitis.
➤ How Do I Stop Birkenstocks from Causing Arch Blisters?
I used to wear Birkenstocks mostly in the summer and that’s when the problems appear. I got so many blisters around the arches to the point that it almost bled. The soreness was extremely uncomfortable. Here are some tips you can apply to prevent getting arch blisters.
1. Don’t Go for Long Walks
Birkenstocks are not designed for long walks. They are comfortable for casual wear. If you want to walk in sandals, there are many sports sandals. You also need to make sure the Birks are properly broken in before you start wearing them.
2. Get Orthotic Suggestions from Experts
You can consult an MD to make sure the problem is not with your feet. The doctor will suggest to you what to do. Many specialty stores sell custom orthotics. If you visit them, they will provide orthotic inserts according to your needs which may solve the problem.
3. Wear Socks
I know this is not ideal. One of the reasons for wearing Birkenstocks is to enjoy the breathable experience during the summer. Wearing socks with Birkenstocks on a hot summer day can be punishing.
Unfortunately, socks are a fail-proof solution to prevent arch blisters. It is totally acceptable to wear socks with sandals. Don’t worry about it. If you don’t have a problem wearing socks, I suggest you do it.
You can read our article, Birkenstocks hurt my feet.
4. Use Moleskin or Paper Tape on The Hotspots
Stop wearing Birkenstocks when your feet start to hurt. If you are getting hotspots, apply moleskin on the area, This will prevent you from getting further blisters. Some people prefer paper tapes because of the roughness of the moleskin.
5. Wear Them After the Blisters Heal
You should wear Birkenstocks until your feet start to hurt. Then, you should wear other comfortable sandals or shoes that don’t cause any pain. If you have got some blisters, allow some time for them to heal. Then you can try the Birks again.
You can read our article, Birkenstock farting noise.
6. Adjust the Strap Appropriately
Many people loosen up the straps after they get blisters. This is the wrong approach. Birkenstocks’ straps should be tight. If you are unsure about how tight it should be, seek help from the sellers.
However, don’t tighten up the strap too much so it stops the natural blood flow of your feet. The salespeople at Birkenstocks stores will help you adjust the strap to your liking.
You can check our article, Why are Birkenstocks giving me blisters?
I hope this has been helpful. Birkenstocks should always be broken in before regular usage. It’s also common to get arch blisters from Birkenstocks. If you want to prevent them, wearing socks is the easiest solution. If you don’t like it, you can apply the other fixes that I have discussed here.